The Holy Chalice of the Last Supper

The Foundation

The Holy Chalice of the Last Supper

The Holy Chalice

It is a finely polished agate cup, showing warm-colored veins when refracting light. It is a beautiful 'Alexandrian cup' that archaeologists consider to be of Eastern origin and from the years 100 to 50 B.C.

In the medieval period, the agate cup had handles and a finely engraved gold base added to it.

Both from archaeological data and the testimony of tradition and the documents that are available, it is completely plausible that this beautiful vessel was in the hands of Jesus Christ during the supper on the night he was arrested.

The chalice was taken to Rome by Saint Peter and preserved by the popes who succeeded him until Saint Sixtus II. It was taken to Huesca, Spain, in the 3rd century. During the Muslim invasion, the chalice was hidden in the Pyrenees region.

It is the Chalice of Blessing -Kos Shel Berajá- and has been kept in the Cathedral of Valencia since 1437.

No other image venerated in the Church has the real strength and authenticity that the Holy Chalice has.

The Holy Chalice, by its very nature, has a very special historical and cultural value, as well as possessing the highest spiritual value imaginable within Christianity and, consequently, an extraordinary evangelizing potential.

The founding group consists of:

  • The Brotherhood of The Holy Chalice.
  • Historians, researchers, and scientists who form the Scientific Council of the Foundation.
  • Public and private institutions.
  • Corporations, Foundations, and Companies.
  • People of recognized prestige and reputation.

Why a Foundation for the Holy Chalice?

A Foundation guarantees the necessary economic funds to carry out its mission.

The significance of the Chalice of the Last Supper makes it necessary to create a Foundation that transcends individuals and guarantees the fulfillment of its Natural Mission. Additionally, it addresses a historical need rooted in the will and devotion of the people and cities through which the Holy Chalice has historically passed.

With an indisputable universal influence within the Christian world, the Foundation brings together under a single place of protection cities, countries, and people that reach 2.3 billion Christians worldwide.

Guarding and venerating it in the Cathedral of Valencia is simply a privilege that Valencians have had for the last 600 years, but with the incorporation of the Foundation, the universal influence of the Holy Chalice and what the Cup represents for humanity as a whole is promoted.

What is the Mission?

The foundation for the Preservation, Exaltation, and maximum Dissemination of information about the Holy Chalice - supported by ecclesiastical authority - contributes to its Foundational Goals of promoting, channeling, hosting, and developing initiatives of a scientific, historical, spiritual, liturgical, devotional, popular, and benefactor nature, which allow for the dissemination of knowledge about the relic of the Holy Chalice worldwide.

How is this Mission Carried Out?

With the following institutions and delegated bodies:

  • The Center for Studies and Research on the Holy Chalice.
  • The Documentation Center of the Holy Chalice.
  • The existence of the Scientific Council of the Holy Chalice.
  • The existence of the Advisory Council of the Holy Chalice.
  • The existence of the Holy Chalice Hall.
  • The Grants Commission that administers the program of donations, contributions, and grants, both towards the Foundation and from it to the beneficiaries of the actions within the Foundational Goals decided by the Board.

The Scientific Council

Some of its members:

The Advisory Council

Some of its members:

  • University of Valencia
  • Polytechnic University
  • Cardenal Herrera University
  • Catholic University of Valencia
  • European University of Valencia
  • Archdiocese of Valencia
  • Dean of the Cathedral of Valencia
  • The Canon Conservator of Artistic Heritage and Director of the Cathedral Museum of Valencia
  • City Council of Valencia
  • Valencian Government
  • Provincial Councils of the Valencian Community
  • Government of Aragón
  • Huesca Council
  • Huesca Cradle of Saint Lawrence
  • Chapter of Jaca
  • Royal Brotherhood of Saint John of the Rock
  • Mr. Carlos Pascual de Miguel
  • FSC President
  • FSC Secretary

Sources of Funding

  • Through the Foundation's own activities
  • Through contributions from Patrons, Sponsors, and Benefactors.

Four Categories of Patron

The patron's category is determined based on their involvement and contribution, with those whose contribution is extraordinary, even if made on a one-time basis, being able to become lifetime honorary patrons.


Join us in preserving and promoting the cultural and spiritual heritage of The Holy Chalice. Your donation supports the Foundation's mission to safeguard this invaluable relic and share its historical significance worldwide.

Fundación Santo Cáliz

C/ Comedias, 12

46003 - Valencia